Insight2: Engaging the Health Humanities
Building on the success of our first exhibition project, we have expanded our exploration to include a broader range of perspectives. InSight2: Engaging the Health Humanities is an international exhibition featuring work from 36 exhibitors as well as this publication (both profiled on a dedicated website:, a two-day symposium, and a collaborative course project that brings together learners in design and the health sciences. All of this offers frameworks for examining linkages, experiences, visualizations and productive imaginings at the nexus of design, health humanities, and the community. Through this interconnected set of projects, we offer an opportunity to open up an expansive, exploratory conversation regarding how we can intentionally engage design and the health humanities, and work collaboratively across disciplines and communities, to create innovative and transformative processes, products, services and experiences that can help to promote health and well-being across specific local and also global contexts.
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